MyGreen Health
MyGreen Health

About Us

Our Story

Our Journey Toward a Unified Healthcare Experience: Empowering Every Patient At MyGreen Health Platform, our mission goes beyond technology; it’s about people, their stories, and the life-changing impact that access to unified healthcare records can have—especially for those who need it most. Imagine arriving in a new country, filled with hope for a better future. But as an immigrant or migrant, one of the greatest challenges you might face is accessing consistent healthcare. Without a unified health record, your medical history becomes fragmented across different borders, languages, and healthcare systems. Critical information, like past treatments, allergies, or chronic conditions, can be lost in translation—literally and figuratively. This disconnection not only delays care but can also lead to dangerous health outcomes. We realized how vital it is to create a seamless, unified healthcare experience—one that transcends geographical boundaries and empowers every individual, no matter where they come from or where they’re going.


We invite you to join us on this journey toward a more compassionate and connected healthcare system. Whether you’re a patient, a healthcare provider, or a partner, we believe that together, we can make a difference. MyGreen Health Platform is more than a product—it’s a promise to the global community that healthcare can and should be better for everyone, everywhere.

Our Vision

Our vision is to foster a patient-centric approach that puts control back in the hands of individuals. We believe everyone should have ownership of their health data, regardless of where life takes them. This belief is not just a technical challenge but a moral imperative. For the millions of immigrants and migrants who move across borders, having a unified health record is more than just a convenience—it’s a lifeline.

With MyGreen Health Platform, we aim to break down the barriers that have long stood between people and their right to quality healthcare. By unifying health data from diverse sources—whether it's electronic health records, wearable devices, or global clinics—we ensure that no part of a person’s health story is left behind.

A Promise to the Global Community We’re not just building a platform; we’re creating a bridge for those who need it most. Our commitment to interoperability, security, and patient empowerment drives everything we do. We envision a world where a mother moving her family to a new country doesn’t have to worry about her child’s vaccination records being lost. Where a refugee can continue receiving vital treatment without starting from scratch. Where healthcare is truly connected and personalized for every individual.

This journey is deeply personal to us. We've listened to the stories of immigrants, migrants, and those who have faced the challenges of navigating healthcare in a foreign land. Their struggles have fueled our passion and determination to build something meaningful—something that could make a real difference in their lives.

Empowering Healthcare Through Innovation At the core of our platform is a powerful combination of AI, blockchain technology, and a commitment to value-based care. But these are just tools to serve a greater purpose: ensuring that every patient, regardless of their background, has access to the best possible care. Our AI-powered insights help clinicians make informed decisions in real time, while our blockchain technology secures patient data, making sure that trust is never compromised.

As we continue to develop and refine the MyGreen Health Platform, we remain focused on our ultimate goal: creating a world where healthcare is truly patient-centric, inclusive, and accessible for everyone. By uniting health records and empowering individuals, we’re not just transforming healthcare; we’re transforming lives.

Key Values

At MyGreen Health Platform, we’re guided by a set of core values that shape everything we do: integrity, innovation, inclusivity, and impact. These values are more than just words

Our Team


Emmanuel Kaiser


Founder of MyGreen Health Platform

Galuh Prayito


Co-founder of MyGreen Health Platform

Vaibhavi Tiwari


CTO at MyGreen Health Platform

Daniel Botchway

Foundational Engineer

Engineer of MyGreen Health Platform

Wania Zehra

Data Scientist

Data Scientist of MyGreen Health Platform